Army authorises new ball cap – for limited use - CONTACT magazine

2022-08-13 06:24:18 By : Mr. Alex Zhang

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A new AMCU baseball-style cap will roll out across Army this year, as an alternative to the bush hat.

This style of field headdress will allow soldiers and commanders an alternative headdress when operating in different environments, such as in vehicles and on boats.

ADF Clothing Manager Sandy McInerney said it was also an alternative form of headdress for soldiers conducting domestic operations as directed by unit commanders.

The new cap is to be worn with field dress, but individual units will have the final say on which headdress is worn out field.

The caps, which will have a hook-and-pile patch at the front to support the wearing of ANF patches, will roll out in two phases, with personnel in north and south Queensland, Darwin, South Australia and Sydney metropolitan areas receiving issues between now and May.

Sydney regional areas, Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and the ACT units will receive caps from May to August.

“The baseball cap has been an item that’s been desired by personnel for a long time. Army is in a position where it can make these smaller modernisations happen,” Ms McInerney said.

Navy and Air Force will also adopt the AMCU baseball cap when the AMCU uniform is worn by their respective personnel.

From ARMY Newspaper dated 14 April 2022

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Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

I must agree with what Dick Roebuck has just written. Neck protection from the sun is a must. I used the tail out of an old shirt which I had sown onto the rear of my bush hat. Worked a dream, and also got a few funny looks and comments. Today I sympathies with my mates who have all sorts of neck and ears skin problems. One of them an Ex Officer Class told me I might have been a dill at the time, but it turned out I wasn’t a bloody idiot for doing it. Even the French have taken to a tail on the caps, and their idiots, but not dills.

My first encounter with “hook and pile.” If the ABC can now accept advertising (repeated reference to Facebook and Twitter), heaven forbid we might refer to Velcro.

And it appears that the ADF has caught the COVID-19 jargon virus. It seems that, by default, we now “Ramp up” and “Roll out…” Language has become a modern casualty of our post-literate society.

In reference to D.R.’s comment, when in the field, I used to use a length of camouflage scrim as a neck curtain under my bush hat. Worked admirably in summer conditions.

Baseball Caps Vs Skin Cancer =USELESS!

Seems a good idea, used with commonsense. Australians differentiate themselves by performance and behaviour, at least in most cases. Not shooting innocent civilians would generally be considered to be off our list.

Yes, toatly agree with the first two gentlemen’s comments. We’re supposed to be distinguishable from the rest of the world’s armies, yet we continually adopt hideous practice’s. Go figure.

Another sign of the A.D.F. becoming indistinguishable from the U.S.Military. Equipment, weapons, moral compass, lack of ethics and now uniforms. We should just lower the Educational, Psychological and Medical standards, and go full Yank.

The new baseball style cap looks great, but gives no protection to most of the neck or the ears. Has Defence considered the number of people who develop cancer in these areas? I see so many older people with butchered ears and scarred necks these days, it makes me so sad. Dick Roebuck.

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