How to Make an Infinity Scarf: - TulsaKids Magazine

2022-08-13 06:17:52 By :

I ‘ve made easily more than 50 facemasks in the past few months. After finishing up my last round of fabric, I think I’ve finally reached my stopping point. But that just means I need a new sewing project, right?! Something as quick and easy to make as facemasks. Something practical. And, as the holidays are approaching, something gift-able. Enter the infinity scarf.

To make an infinity scarf, all you need is:

Step 1. Start by washing and drying your fabric so it’s pre-shrunk. Trim off any excess threads as well as the selvage edge. It would also be a good idea to iron it at this point.

Step 2. Cut your two yards of fabric in half, lengthwise. So you are left with two narrower rectangles that are each two yards long. Another tutorial I read recommended folding the fabric in half with the short ends together; folding it in half again the same way, and cutting down the middle. This worked very well.

Step 3. Fold the fabric in half lengthwise, with the reverse side facing in. Stitch along the length of the rectangle, leaving the short ends open. When finished, trim threads.

Joss LOVES sushi, so couldn’t resist this adorable sushi print! See better pic below 🙂

Step 4. Turn the fabric rectangle right-side-out. (It’s a good idea to iron the seam open first.)

Step 5. Fold one open end of the rectangle about 1 inch down into itself. Place the other open end of the rectangle inside the first open end. Stitch closed. (If you have sturdy enough pins, you may want to pin it in place, since it’s difficult to tell whether you’re catching all four layers of fabric. I had to re-do several of these seams because I missed a layer.)

One edge folded in on itself

The other edge tucked inside the first edge

Step 6. Turn your scarf so that the seam you just sewed is on the inside. You’re done!

To wear the infinity scarf, just put it around your neck, then twist and loop around another time. The two-yard length fit me very well. I am tempted to try using a slightly shorter length of fabric, just so it fits more snugly around my neck. I want maximum comfort!!

A note about fabric choice: I purchased some 50% off flannel from Joann Fabric. It was just $3.99 a yard, making this a fairly cheap gift idea. When making masks, I’ve purchased cotton fabric from They have a lot of gorgeous choices if you want something hip and modern. And of course, there’s Owl & Drum, a local fabric store. They have an excellent selection as well! Your scarves will cost more if you purchase from the latter two options…but the fabric choices are so tempting!

I haven’t tried any of these, but here are some other DIY scarfs I’d like to make someday:

And of course, if you have a plain white scarf, you can always tie-dye or shibori dye it. Or just get some fabric paint and have fun painting your own pattern!

Have you made any scarves lately? Do you have a favorite pattern or style? Let me know in the comments!

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Tara Rittler is the web & social media editor at TulsaKids Magazine. The name "Spaghetti on the Wall" is meant to reflect Tara's approach to life, parenting, and this blog: a kind of "see what sticks and try not to stress out" mentality. "Spaghetti on the Wall" will chronicle the adventures of raising her son, with an emphasis on baking, crafting and exploring Tulsa.

Follow Tara on Instagram: @peppermint_squeak