How To Add Inputs And Outputs To Your Holley ECU With A CAN Module

2023-04-05 14:40:09 By : Ms. Dela Chen

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Aftermarket ECUs have opened up a new world of performance for fuel-injected applications. These supercomputers provide enthusiasts with plenty of control options for a vehicle, but what do you do when you run out of ECU inputs or outputs? Rubber Door Seal

How To Add Inputs And Outputs To Your Holley ECU With A CAN Module

Holley’s line of HP, Dominator, Terminator X, and Terminator X Max EFI ECU’s are robust, but they only have so many inputs and outputs available. The Holley EFI CAN Input/Output Module can solve that issue. The additional inputs and outputs can be used to run numerous types of devices, from a simple fan all the way to a complex nitrous system. You can also use the additional inputs to monitor all kinds of data channels.

The Holley EFI CAN Input/Output Module will add eight additional inputs and eight outputs to your HP, Dominator, or Terminator ECU. You can use the module to activate relays, add additional sensors, control pumps, and much more. The kit comes with a CAN harness that plugs directly into your current Holley ECU’s wiring harness. You can then configure the CAN Input/Output Module through the Holley ECU software.

In this video, Holley’s Ray Frescas walks us through the details of how the CAN Input/Output Module works and how to configure it. You’ll learn about how sensors can be used, the main connector pinout, best practices for wiring, how to install sensors, proper wiring crimping, and how to configure the module. If you want to learn more about how the CAN Input/Output Module works and about how it ties into an ECU, click here to visit Holley’s website.

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How To Add Inputs And Outputs To Your Holley ECU With A CAN Module

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