Junior makes a big deal out of the fact that the "Fuck Joe Biden" caps he peddles on his website are "Designed & Embroidered in the U.S.A!"
Like Daddy Trump, Junior thinks China is a very bad country, filled with mean people who try to cheat Americans every chance they get.
So it makes you wonder why his caps are made in China. It doesn't seem to make sense, but Jimmy Kimmel found out why. Chinese-made caps are 30% cheaper than American-made caps. Junior doesn't mind enriching China, deceiving his fans, and hurting American workers if it means he can pocket an extra buck or two.
We can add "hypocrite" to the long list of Junior's achievements, along with "liar," "traitor," "cheat," and "grifter." If Junior keeps it up, he might finally win the love of Daddy, too.
Bill Bennett, an $8 million-in-the-hole gambling addict who makes his living admonishing people for not being as moral as he is, says exorcisms are needed to halt the scourge of mass gun murders in the United States. "I'm not sure we're going deep enough," said the hypocritical moral crusader during an appearance on Fox News.… READ THE REST
Trump doesn't believe in anything but enriching himself, so it's no surprise he will say anything if he thinks it will lead to more money or power. Here he is in a 1999 news interview saying that as president, he'd support 3rd trimester and partial birth abortions. READ THE REST
Last month, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) approved a measure that could prohibit President Biden, a devout Catholic, from receiving communion. Conservative bishops do not wish Biden to receive communion because of his support for abortion rights. Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill, general secretary of the USCCB, was a strong supporter of the measure, but he has resigned… READ THE REST
If you love to cook or need to upgrade your kitchen cutlery, it's important to have quality cutlery that'll make the preparation process a whole lot easier. There's nothing worse than having a knife that won't properly or strongly cut through food, which can be frustrating enough to ruin a meal. You may think you can only find this… READ THE REST
Let's be honest, there's something really cool about a dashcam. It can help you to film a trip, or to help out as a witness of an incident. Whatever your reason for having one, a dashcam is a great tool to have at your disposal. The only issue with dashcams is that they can be prohibitively expensive. They… READ THE REST
It's an unfortunate reality, but buying a good computer can be ridiculously expensive. And the worst part is that after all is said and done, your computer may not have everything you need, which can leave you feeling crazy! Finding a good deal on a computer with everything you need for a good price can seem like… READ THE REST
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