A SCARF measuring 55m has been knitted by members of Uppermill Methodist Church as part of an enormous woolly creation to wrap round the Royal Albert Hall.
‘A Scarf For Lewy’ campaign is being run by The Lewy Body Society to raise awareness of the disease, which is the second most frequent cause of age-related neurodegenerative dementia.
They are welcoming contributions from across the country to create a scarf of 222m in total to go around the famous building in London on September 22.
Members of the Thursday Friends Group at Uppermill Methodist Church created the woollen giant to go towards the project.
Once the giant scarf has had its moment of glory, it will be separated into smaller scarves and distributed to homeless people or those in need of warm clothing ahead of the winter months.
Sylvia White, one of the leaders of Thursday Friends, said: ‘When my husband Alvan was diagnosed with the condition almost two years ago I was amazed at how few people were aware of LBD and its symptoms.
“This prompted me to want to raise awareness of it wherever I could. It is very different from Alzheimer’s Disease and can often be misdiagnosed.
“I am delighted with the number who supported the church’s contribution to this project.”
Sylvia also helped organise a coffee morning, followed by a lunch for family and friends, at the Methodist Church which has so far raised more than £900. The event also marked Alvan’s 80th birthday.
The money will go towards researching the condition and to help fund specialist Admiral dementia nurses.
Additionally, Tesco Greenfield provided a cheque for £50 from the store’s second hand book sales.
• Find out more about the project online: www.lewybody.org/a-scarf-for-lewy/
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